We lead the Comp Capital Group, gathering technology firms specializing in in security solutions for IT, networks and cryptology as well as solutions for trade and service industries. Thirty years of experience, broad-ranging abilities, our own R&D centers and a team of invaluable experts create a competitive advantage that place us amongst the leaders for IT and retail markets.
Thirty years ago, our founder fulfilled his vision of founding Comp in the belief that IT will reshape numerous aspects of our lives. That visions has come true and we have played a major role in those changes and been present in many key fields for our nation. Hundreds of thousands of firms are benefitting from our technologies. Everywhere you turn you can find a grocer whom we are supporting Thirty years ago an idea was born which today makes a real contribution to the Polish economy. That is the power of the ideas, work and emotion of each of us.
Thank you for three decades of growth.
As one of the largest IT integrators in Poland, we successfully combine the highest quality proprietary products with the best solutions offered by third party software and hardware producers. We are partners to such renowned firms as:
Thanks to unique knowledge in information protection, we offer solutions based on the broad spectrum of special security, covering solutions for hardware, applications, and the full architecture as well as implementation. Our systems are based on hardware and software cryptography solutions of our own design and production.
We are pleased to count a large number of institutions, banks, central administrative offices and leading companies amongst our client base. We work with firms from nearly the full range of segments in both the public and private sector. M/platform, a digital service platform supporting local shops, is already changing the retail landscape.
Comp S.A has been listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange since 2005
The foundation of our solutions for commerce, services and logistics is innovation, built on multi-stage market analyses, investments in R&D, and implementations of the products we’ve created across the market.
Business launch. Comp Ltd. is founded.
Private equity group Enterprise Investors takes a stake;. Launch of activities in national cryptology.
Major contract signed with the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration (MSWiA) for security systems in the national vehicle and driver registration system CEPiK.
Comp S.A. debuts on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. Acquisition of Enigma Systemy Ochrony Informacji Sp. z o.o. and a stake in Novitus S.A.
Acquisition of Computer Service Support S.A.
The Comp Capital Group’s largest ever contract is signed with the Ministry of Justice for construction of Poland’s first-ever electronic monitoring system.
Merger with Novitus S.A.
Investment in Elzab to take controlling stake. Acquisition of PayTel S.A.
Elzab online cash registers take the Hungarian market by storm.
Launch of Comp Centrum Innowacji sp. z. o.o. and of the M/platform project.
Sale of stake in PayTel S.A. to Sibs International.
Creation of unit Comp Platforma Usług by the Żywiec group, launch of Comp unit Comp Centrum Innowacji sp. z.o.o. and initial commercialization of the M/platform project.